
Values: Are they universal? Are they cultural? What are “our” values?   Diwan in German. Are all values the same everywhere, as the ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ postulates? Or do values differ depending on the society human beings form? The discussion in Western media regarding values oscillates: for some, all values, and especially those described […]

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What do we mean when we speak about integration? It seems a simple question; there is, however, no single or simple answer. And despite the fact that the term ‘integration’ originally has positive significations, it has increasingly been used in a negative way to describe and demand the integration of one social group “immigrants and […]

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The Individual and Islam

Individualism in Eastern and Western Cultures It seems that the concept of the “individual”, in its moral and political sense, represents a cultural and intellectual Western achievement for which it is hard to find an equivalent in Eastern cultures in general, and in Islamic culture in particular. Beginning with the philosophy of Sophists and Epicureans […]

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Post Secularism

Despite the fact that most societies have endeavoured to adopt the secular model and separated the state from religious institutions to achieve democracy and enforce equality, tolerance and human rights, it is obvious that religious practices continue to exist both in non-Western as well as in Western societies; the best example being the USA, where scientific and technical modernity exist right next to substantial religiosity.

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Diwan Al Falsafa: Modernity

Modernity, as a philosophical movement, emerged as a direct consequence of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries´ scientific revolution in Europe. Based on the new scientific knowledge, Europeans were able to establish a new complete social system containing morals, law, commerce, and politics. Although some European theorists argue that the concept of modernity generally describes renewing […]

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